How We Can Help!

By blueray

HOW BCB CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE AND KEEP AN “A” GRADEBCB is prepared to assist you by:Writing and submitting your HACCP ProgramIncreasing employee training in food safety and NYC DOH complianceIncreasing re-inspections when unit falls below an “A” grade on an inspectionWe are always available to answers questions and to clarify any concerns arising regarding…

Would the City Shut Down Your Kitchen?

By blueray

By Henry Alford Sept. 28, 2010 See how this article appeared when it was originally published on THE night before a health inspector came to my apartment, I had a brief nightmare about a grim-faced woman in a lab coat who crawled across my kitchen floor with a pair of tweezers. So when it came…

Sanitation and Health Info from Beth Torin

By blueray

Hi Everyone, As you all know, the food service industry has been deeply affected by Covid and we need to make sure that we reopen safely and effectively.  As operators in the most densely-packed city in the country, all eyes are on us, the stakes are as high as can be, and for many of…

Using Tracking Data

By blueray

Using Tracking Data to Promote Environmental Public Health Through Regulatory and Legislative Processes in New York City Wendy McKelvey 1, Jeffrey Blank, Iyad Kheirbek, Beth Torin Affiliations expand PMID: 28763384 DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000619 Abstract Legislation and regulation are powerful tools for decreasing health risks from environmental hazards. Legislation is enacted by an elected body, and regulations are issued by an agency in the…